Credit Account Application Form Business Name *Trading As : *Entity Type *Please select an optionLtd Co.Sole TraderPartnershipExpected Monthly Sales *Amount of Credit Required: *Tel: *Mobile *Business Address *Town: *Eircode *Home Address *Registered Office *Town *Eircode *CRO Number *CRO Number *If not registered enter "NO"Vat Number *Principle 1: *Please select an optionDirector 1PartnerFull Name *Home Address *Town *Eircode *Principle 2: *Please select an optionDirector 2Partner 2Full Name *Home Address *Town *Eircode *Accounts Contact Name *Email Address *Sales Contact Name *Email Address *Bank Name *Duration of Relationship *Address *Town: *Trade Reference - Company Name 1 *Address *Contact Person *Email Address *Telephone *Account Open since: *Credit Limit 1 *Trade Reference - Company Name 2 *Address *Contact Person *Email Address *Telephone *Account Open since: *Credit Limit 2 *Name Of Applicant *Position in Company *Position *I the undersigned, am a duly authorised signatory for the above-mentioned applicant. I have read and understand the terms of trade HERE of BNR Limited and agree to be bound by same.Signature *Your browser does not support e-Signature field.Apply Now BNR Limited. Registered in Ireland No:417273. Unit 516D Grants Rise, Greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin, Ireland.